モーガン・キングのインスタグラム(kingmorghan) - 5月2日 07時43分

Today went really well, going 3/3 in the snatch 71/73/76 and 2/3 on Clean and Jerk 85/90/95x. I was lucky to be able to try bigger jumps in the Clean and Jerk but freaked out a bit and rushed the jerk. I feel strong and confident for the future. I'm working on my weaknesses and it's starting to show. Thank you to my boyfriend and coach @dkruser85 for keeping me grounded and focused when things got tough, I love you. Thank you to Zyg for all the hard work and patience he puts in for me and the rest of the residents at the OTC, we would be lost without you. And last but not least my sponsors who helped me get back and get me here to St. Louis, thank you!!! @progenex @caffeineandkilos @virusintl #teamprgnx #teamcandk #virusintl @usa_weightlifting #regionals #weightlifting


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