クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 4月28日 07時19分

Pray for Baltimore... And while you're at it- pray for the entire country because this epidemic has got to stop! Every black man should not make you fear for your life! The police for the most part are here to protect and serve us the people- but these bad apples that are way too trigger happy and way too incompetent and confuse guns for tasers, and shoot 12 year old black boys with toy guns first and ask questions later- are really doing so much damage to the already strained relationship between African Americans and the police. Of COURSE I know it's not "all cops" but ALL cops should be appalled at what's been happening as of late. We can not accept the gunning down of unarmed after unarmed black man every week! We are citizens... Tax paying citizens of the United States of America! Every life should matter! I'm so sickened by this case. Freddie Gray was a young man and died in police custody where his spine was 80% severed!! What did they do to this man?! If it happened to him it can happen to you! No one should be ok with this- black, white, brown, no one! Police should protect and if there is a suspect APPREHEND the suspect not be police, judge, jury and executioner. Make your opposition to this behavior known. Hold our officials accountable. Vote, be involved with the political process. It can change.... But we the people must demand it. This is our country too! RIP #FreddieGray ????????


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