エレオノーラ・カリシのインスタグラム(eleonoracarisi) - 4月27日 17時54分

Would you like to win one of the lipstick-patterned sweatshirts from my @whatsinsideyou collection?- Here is a contest for you! You’ll just need to post a photograph of yourself wearing your favourite lipstick?? by night April 28.- Some suggestions: if you like to draw, write a message to someone on your diary or a mirror; be inventive and original and don’t be shy to share it everywhere. You can add some hashtags to help people understand your message. Make it colourful by using your favourite shades! - Rules: be sure to tag the @whatsinsideyou profile and to add the #whatsinsideyou hashtag. -

Prize: the winner will be contacted through Instagram direct for details about the selected model of sweatshirt among the five available on www.whatsinsideyou.bigcartel.com and shipping informations. ??????


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




