ベン・シュワルツのインスタグラム(rejectedjokes) - 4月27日 06時31分

From now on every time I put together a Snowpants show at @ucbtla, all the ticket sales will go to charity. An enormous thank you to the UCB4 for making this possible. Last night's show was so incredibly fun. It was @tombini @katiedippold Zach Woods Gil Ozeri me and a random audience member named Ben Ellmann who had never performed improv before. Each show, I will highlight a different charity to raise awareness and money. Last night, we raised $3,225 for MHAWestchester which helps empower people of all ages with mental health conditions through a wide variety of services and supports. They believe anyone has the ability to recover and be in control of their own life. Very proud to support this charity. For more info go to MHAwestchester.org. All photos by @kevintporter.

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