WilldaBeastのインスタグラム(willdabeast__) - 4月26日 14時02分

This is how I turn up in my mid 20's in LA. Exciting right ?.
Look at her yogurt compared to mine mmmhmmmm. I'm being good she's not .

AHH with my kids growing up it's putting me in a place of thinking about kids and stuff like that. Super annoying lol . I always wanted two boys of my own . But when I spend time with my amazing young people , who are so dag on smart and inspiring ... Now I kinda want girls too one day . It's all FLAVAHZ and lilBEASTS fault ? grrrr .
Anywho just glad my CAM CAM is here and I don't have to just watch her on my tv ?? #family


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
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