クロエ・カーダシアンのインスタグラム(khloekardashian) - 4月25日 02時53分

Today marks the 100 year anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Knowledge is power! If we know better than hopefully we shall do better. Genocides, massacres, human slaughter... are despicable acts!! Educating people as to what happened in history is our duty. It is also our duty to not be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation no matter their race or creed. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. I am proud to be Armenian and I won't be silenced or made to believe the stories of our ancestors are "exaggerated". I pray that the moral universe ultimately will bend towards justice. Today let's respect the eternal memory of those who perished in this undeniable act of hate. #NeverForget #1915 #ArmenianPride #EternalFlame


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