Young Gunnerのインスタグラム(machinegunkelly) - 4月23日 14時35分

today, i turned 25 years old. holy shit. i feel like ive lived so many lifetimes already. i can't express to those who have supported me how appreciative i am for your presence, so i won't even bother to try, but just know the love is there and i am inspired to wake up everyday because of it. all i ask is this: grow with me. take this fucked up world on with me. let's do the impossible. -- at dinner my friends said, "i know this isn't exactly where you want to be today, but ultimately, we're all here fighting for a greater moment. people can have birthday's when they're at war" -- that last line really hit me. and they said it best. we're at war. with the limits life places on us. but im focused. and im fuckin ready to take it all on. lace up. --- straight from the desk of the yung gunner. 25 years old. wow. ?


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