unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 4月21日 02時01分

A boy sits amid rubble, all that remains of his home, which was destroyed in an air strike in Okash village near #Yemen’s capital Sana’a. Armed conflict has continued to intensify, and airstrikes have affected 18 of the country’s 22 governorates. The escalating violence has taken a significant toll on civilians. By 12 April of this year, an estimated 364 civilians had been killed and 681 had been injured. At least 77 children had also been killed and 44 had been injured. Infrastructure has also been destroyed, damaged or disrupted as a result of the fighting. #UNICEF is shipping nearly 92 tonnes of nutrition, health and water and sanitation supplies. We’re also seeking US $25.80 million as part of a #UnitedNations Flash Appeal for US $273.7 million to provide urgent humanitarian aid and protection for vulnerable populations over the next three months. © UNICEF/NYHQ2015-0857/Hamoud


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