ブリアナ・エヴィガンのインスタグラム(brianaevigan) - 4月16日 04時53分

Ok!!! Ch Ch Che cheeeeck it out! My skin! I can finally laugh and use the hashtag #iwokeuplikethis #evenafterdrinkingwine I am posting this because for over a year now I've been looking for a product to do this! It is as CLEAR as can be after only a week and a half of using it! All the make up from set and events have caused me to have rashes and little bumps for years. Apparently... I've also started getting late 20s acne? What's that about? @rodanfields #rodanfields sensitive skin line has finally done the trick!!! Go to my page:
http://Brianaevigan.myrandf.com click on solution tool to see what's best for you. If you become a preferred customer you save 10% TRY IT! It can't hurt. I'm kinda swearing by it over here. You can purchase it through my page... Thanks @vanessaevigan for the intro.. ALSO, you can see the truth about my nugget feet in this pic ;) #hobbitlife and ABSOLUTLY no filter for proof of product!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



