キーシャ・エップスのインスタグラム(lovekeishaepps) - 4月13日 15時23分

No filters but this was like the 11th pic I took to get it "right"?..no for real lol.I fell off with my diet?.Still was going to the gym but let me tell you how vital your diet is in losing weight! Sheesh! I don't mean diet as in "I'm on a diet".I mean in the sense of "your way of eating".It's an off and on struggle but I'm on my way.FACING FOWARD.I kicked a 27 year old nasty habit..now I'm working to kick this one.I got this.Mind over matter and yes patience is a virtue.Once I get these two in sync..healthy eating and the gym??! #ConsistencyIsKey ....come on consistency? I blurted a lot.Thanks for listening lol


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