エマニュエル・シュリーキーのインスタグラム(echriqui) - 4月11日 09時54分

I urgently appeal to anyone that knows of and is familiar with any authorities in South Africa, Zimbabwe or preferably at Interpol or the United Nations or anyone that can be of help and aid us in this time sensitive issue. 21 baby elephants are being shipped from Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe to Maputo in Mozambique by train in 72 hours. From there they are being put on a ship destined for China on a journey they are unlikely to survive where they have been sold to breed for their parts and to be put into zoos. Please any help is welcomed. And please repost this message and video so we can call to action as many people as possible and make a difference. It all counts. Thank you!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




