キエラ・キキ・シェアードのインスタグラム(kierrasheard) - 4月9日 14時58分

#Bedtime ️Lmbo I'm sho' nuff #lovingmyflaws my skin isn't the best but it's what keeps me human. I'm not the perfect size, but my big thighs are what keep me humble. Lol I have really long fingers, but that's what keeps me reaching. My nose is kind of big, but it's what helps me smell when someone is no good! ??? Not too mention my sins, they keep me running back to God! O and my bad notes and lazy runs, they remind me that There is always someone else who can do better, so I stay humble, knowing and believing that I'm only where I am because of God! #lovingmyflaws they make me who I am...and that is beautiful. I challenge you to love your flaws. I was hesitant about posting this but hey....I might as well embrace the flaw that God has given me to keep me connected with Him! #God Post your pictures using #lovingmyflaws Goodnight! ??


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