Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 4月7日 02時14分

At least someone uses the house. We separated Ingonyama (I call him Chiquilin [Different from Chiquitin although it means the same] ) because he had an ear infection and couldn't move his head. He's been on antibiotics for 3 days and now he is almost perfect :)
Separamos a #babyingonyama (Todos lo llamamos Chiquilín) pues traía una infección de oído que no le permitía subir la cabeza. Ya esta así perfecto aunque todavía le faltan 3 piquetes de antibiótico...
#savelions #saveourplanet #behuman #notpets #nosonmascotas #blackjaguarwhitetiger


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The Critter Havenのインスタグラム
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