Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 4月3日 22時24分

Not a single day goes by without me giving thanks and praise to the Lord with all that I am. My heart is filled with so much faith and gratitude! I thank the Lord for all His goodness, and for giving me a better life than I could even ask for. Trusting Him with my everything is undoubtedly the best thing I could do in any given situation. I have been through so much in my life, but I know that it was never God who put me in those bad times. In fact, He was the one who pulled me out of them, every single time. I believe that God wants us to be happy; to be successful and great in life. When we are hurt, He is hurt as well. Sickness, failure, trials--they don't come from Him and they certainly do not please Him, but He allows them to happen in order to strengthen us and bring us even closer to Him. Never think that He wants you to have a hard time, and never ever think that it's His way of asking you to prove yourself to Him. God is not responsible for our mistakes, but He is always the reason why we are blessed. He is the good guy here, keep remembering that. ☺️ And His love, mercy and grace is ever so unconditional. ❤️


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