桑原淳のインスタグラム(juuuuuuuun) - 3月30日 00時20分

チリで大洪水が起き、混乱に巻き込まれてました。詳しくはブログ見てみてください。 http://junkuwabara0614.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-401.html

Hey you guys, long time no see. Finally arrived in santiago, Chile. I was going to go to Santiago from arica where is next to border of peru but the bus had to stop in the small town between africa and santiago. because of the really big natural disaster. Then had spent time with passengers in the terminal for few days. After 3 days, I and some passengers from Chile and Peru decided to go to santiago by hitchhiking takes more few days. So I couldn't post here sorry but I'm really ok right now!

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