ブリアナ・エヴィガンのインスタグラム(brianaevigan) - 3月28日 23時03分

Day 3! Tag 3 people! @liayn_themovie #loveisallyouneed #equality goes to my big brother and big sister @vanessaevigan @jasonevigan for being the love and light in my life. For being my butterfly and protector. For ALWAYS being there for me no matter what choices I make. They are the best ears to talk too and give insanely incredible advice. (Whether they take it themselves or not ;) ) for there patience and honesty. For there unconditional love. For being crazy and for being crazy with me! The three of us together are a little ole pack. The cool thing about family is that will never ever change. I'm so excited that I get to spend the rest of my life getting to know you guys I love you guys! Always suck in the middle of you two eh? ?miss u spread the love!


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