WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 3月28日 01時18分

Earth Hour has become known for the lights-off event. ? It may not instantly get rid of climate change but it serves as a symbolism - an awareness by a collective of individuals who are ready and committed to make a change for the environment. ?? It's a call for us to go beyond the hour. ?

So, what can you do? A lot. But we suggest you start with something small, and then encourage others with your actions. If you’re serious about this and not sure what to do, you can always start at the official Earth Hour website: www.earthhour.org ?

Witness worldwide Earth Hour events on Mar 28 (Sat) from 8:30-9:30pm with Earth Hour's official hashtags: #EarthHour #YourPower or check out their Instagram account @earthhourofficial.


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