ジャナ・クレイマーのインスタグラム(kramergirl) - 3月25日 23時49分

I rarely ever say anything negative but I take a lot of pride in my home state. I grew up such a fan of @マドンナ and I always thought it was cool we went to the same high school. She said awful things about my high school and now reading @Us Weekly she says this. She has a right to her opinion obviously but I would like to just state...my BEST memories of childhood and my life thus far was growing up in Michigan. I am so proud of my state and where I will forever call home in my heart. Every time I'm stressed I picture myself on the lake Upnorth Michigan. That is my happy place and I guess I'm just protective of where I come from...so I guess all I have to say is...Michigan, I love you and will never forget the state that raised me. #MichiganPride


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