マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 3月24日 05時20分

At our Jackson Hole show I invited about 30 kids on stage to dance for a song and at the end of the song one kid decided to stay. Halfway into the next song I looked back and saw her there smiling and dancing all by herself I walked up to her and she told me her name was Isabel and that she wanted to talk on the microphone. I offered her the mic and she took off on the most beautiful fearless speech in front of the crowd of 12k. I'll paraphrase:"I want everyone to be happy, everyone in the world to be happy" then she pointed to each member of our band,"I want the bass player to be happy, the drummer to be happy, the guitar player to be happy" then to each instrument, "I want the guitar to be happy, the drums to be happy, the bass to be happy and all the crowd too!" Then she handed me back the microphone. As her mom came to get her offstage all 12k people started chanting "Is-A-Bel, Is-A-Bel..." There wasn't a dry eye in the place. Her mother let the promoter of the show James Deghan know that it was world Down Syndrome day and I announced it from the stage. I didn't know and I doubt many in the crowd knew, but after Isabel's courageous message was felt, we all knew. Thank you Isabel and all the other individuals and families who are living special lives and making ours brighter along the way. #WorldDownSyndromeDay #EveryoneDeservesMusic #JacksonHole


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