タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 3月24日 03時03分

This kind of love is hard to find!.. The love you have for it and the love it has for you in return! I thank every person that's ever screamed my name, sang my song, acknowledged my existence, bought my music, turned the radio up louder when my song came on, paid to see host or perform, loved me or hated me, told a friend about me, liked a pic on the gram, retweeted a tweet, and the list goes on!.. Because of you I am still here! Because of you I don't love alone but we love together! So for you I give you "Sex, Love, and Pain 2".. Executive produced by Me, @クリス・ブラウン @Jvalentine1 and every man or woman that loves R&B Music!.. I pray you're ready for this.. #SLP2 #King


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