Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 3月23日 01時42分

Happy birthday to one of the most important people in my life! @riaatayde Thank you for being someone I could run to for literally anything. You of all people deserve to be truly happy, and I hope and pray that you attain peace and joy that could last you a lifetime. (whether it's with this guy or not. hehe ✌️) You are completely overflowing with love and kindness, which is why it doesn't surprise me that you are so close to many people's hearts. Continue being a blessing in everyone's life. I LOVE YOU, CUZ! I love you for playing a million roles in my life! No one else could pull that off! Always remember that I'm here for you, no matter what. ❤️❤️❤️


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