カーティス・ルポールのインスタグラム(curtislepore) - 3月19日 16時13分

I need to make some of you aware that believe you are speaking on facts when you really don't know what happened. I've said this before publicly so I'm saying it again and I'll say it everyday until I die. I did not rape anyone. I know this isn't gonna stop you from commenting. You can point your finger at me all you want and give yourself that accomplished feeling that you are better than someone else, but really... none of us are perfect. I'm out in the public eye everyday continuing to do what I love despite the onslaught of sticks and stones cast in my direction... In my friends, my family and my girlfriends direction too. But you know what? I know someone somewhere is going to be harassed to the point where they feel like life isn't worth living- and maybe that person is going to see my stuff and see despite the fact that people go out of their way in the thousands to tell me to kill myself -I'm still smiling, having fun, and making jokes with my friends. And I hope when that happens that kid will realize that you can still be happy and not feel like life is hopeless and that ultimately is all that matters to me. So I guess I'm thanking the people who hate me that much, you've helped me inspire so many people to continue to be happy. You make me stronger.


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