Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 3月8日 15時11分

To all the ladies who know that they don't need to be perfect for them to be happy. ? It doesn't matter if you don't fit into the standards that other people have set for you. It takes a lot more courage to be yourself than it does to be what everyone wants or expects you to be. And somewhere down the line, you will find that it is also more fulfilling. Stay true to who you are, and fight for your individuality. Others strive to be perfect; to flaunt their greatness and superiority over others, thus hiding and suppressing the lesser qualities they have. It turns into a bitter competition with the world and an exhausting battle that exists within themselves. Don't buy into the "ideal woman" garbage. Because ultimately, we all know that no one is perfect anyway. So let the perfect pretend, and you do you. ☺️ Be the one who is not ashamed to bear all colors of the rainbow. Embrace everything you are, everything you can be, and everything you don't have to be. Love the person you are. Accept yourself, and you will never feel the need to be accepted by others. ❤️ #internationalwomensday

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