アリエル・ヴァンデンバーグのインスタグラム(arielle) - 3月8日 11時25分

Soooo this is me just being real wit choo... I think everybody is cool in their own way! But everyone has shit that they feel alone in... #WeAreAllUncool is here to tell you... You're not alone... Everyone's got stuff going on and sometimes it ain't cool... But we all have to live and work together. Be supportive of other. Be kind to one another because you don't know what's happening in their world at that moment. Here are a few things about me that feel uncool...
1. I had OCD growing up. I felt like I had to do certain things 7 times or else something bad would happen. It started taking over my thoughts...and I was embarrassed by it. But one day I realized I have no control over what happens in the world. Only God has that power. I stopped doing it and haven't done it since. It's such a relief.
2. When I walk past a dumpster or trash on the street I hold my breath so I don't breathe in the trash dust... I carry a box of gloves around in my car for when I get gas. Because there is noway I'm touchin the pump. But I wish I didn't care about that.
3. I wish I could just have chocolate for breakfast.
4. I can't get rid of things my grandparents gave me. It makes me too sad because I miss them so much. ?


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