デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 3月4日 11時54分

I've overcome things in my life that felt like permanent obstacles.
I've let go of people I thought were going to be there forever.
I've accepted some things are meant to be part of my path and so I no longer avoid but I embrace.
I'm not content to wait for change but I am excruciatingly patient when it comes to people I love.
I regret nothing today. I thought I did once but that was just my inability to let go of people and things that were not meant to be mine. I appreciate what I've learned and I don't hold any ill will towards those that seemingly "wasted my time." They didn't. I allowed myself to become idle because I needed time to research myself and when I moved forward I found I was bounding towards exciting new goals and adventures.
I like my path. I accept the bumps and the chips in my road. I appreciate the steep ravines and the high plateaus even if they were momentary or long stretches. I revel in the fact I started from nowhere and went to so many many somewheres. I can't wait for tomorrow to see what's around the next corner.
I'm completely ready for it.
I hope it's ready for me.


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