アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 2月28日 05時45分

Now that everyone is done talking about the dress... This Sunday at 7pm! #MTAH (More Than A Hashtag) I invite you to not only come and watch but participate in an open discussion about inequality, race, and other current events in America. These are hard conversations to have but we must have them. We must face the ugliness and truth in order to move forward. The anniversary of the murder of Trayvon Martin being so near and also Mike Brown's death and trial not being so long ago makes this an extremely sensitive time to talk about those things I realize. But rather than just rant on social media let's have an upfront real conversation about our feelings on the matter and also LISTEN to other's perspectives. There will also be a panel discussion, and information on how to get more involved in your communities. Yes there will be singing and spoken word and even some amazing skits but This is not just a show but a call to action! We are welcoming all people of all different backgrounds! Come and join us. Start the conversation and take it back to your homes and your friends. Let's begin this journey of enlightenment together. #blacklivesmatter #MTAH Join Us! March 1, start your month off right ? PLEASE REPOST and bring a friend. Also find us on Facebook!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




