シアラのインスタグラム(ciara) - 2月25日 08時34分

I Am Truly Blessed With Some Of The Best Fans! It Is Is Truly Your Love And Support That Keeps Me Going!! This Second Leg Of Shows Are Done By Different People Than The Ones In New Zealand... That Being Said, I Have Talked With Them About Getting You Guys Compensated For Any VIP "Meet and Greet" You've Paid!! I Don't Believe In That!! Furthermore, Once I Discovered These Meet And Greets Truly Existed, I Am Doing Them, However The Promoters Must Compensate You In Some Way!! I Don't Support That And They Know This. Promoters Please Don't Let Me Down! It's Your Word!! #MyFansMeanEverythingToMe! #ThoseFewExtraDollarsYoureTryingToMakeDontMakeADifference


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




