モヒートのインスタグラム(mojito_rose_family) - 2月21日 22時56分

We were nominated by @happystellapup to do the #behindthepaws post. This is my Daddy and Mommy on our one year anniversary as a family. They met in highschool and got married in 2013. I was born the day they came back from their honeymoon! Mom says they were sitting in the airport checking her email like crazy waiting for the news I was born! We live near Cleveland, OH #thisisCLE My dad works as an RVT at two animal hospitals. He DID NOT want a golden, he says we are "girly dogs"......now he buys me custom leashes and paints my nails. #daddysgirl . My mom is a hairstylist and cake decorating instructor. She has always had golden retrievers....she lost her last two, Brandy in 2001 and Tequila in 2013, to cancer. That is why I am in the @morrisanimalfoundation golden retriever lifetime study. We nominate @georgieandme @matmazelgoldens and @mildredoodle next....if you want to :)


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