シェイン・ビットニー・クロンのインスタグラム(shanebitneycrone) - 2月11日 10時17分

Today I found out that I was nominated as one of OUT Magazine's 100 Most Eligible Bachelors. I am quite flattered, but some people have commented that it isn't appropriate for me to be included on this list, given my history. Admittedly, for quite some time I couldn't fathom falling in love again, but I realize I am young and it is a possibility. There have been times I have felt almost like damaged goods; who would want to be with someone who is traveling the world, constantly sharing their tragic love story? ---------------------------------------------------
Some of you may think I live in the past, but I respectfully disagree. I am grateful for my past and open to the future. I have grown so much over the last couple of years and I believe that if I'm meant to fall in love again, it will happen. Until then, I'll continue to focus on loving myself, unconditionally. ?
So with that, thank you to OUT for including me on a list with many wonderful and inspiring men! I am humbled and believe this is a good reminder that every single one of us, in spite of our history, is worthy of love. ? I know Tom would want me to be open to love again. I'm also pretty sure he'd find it humorous that I'm on this list. ?


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