クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 2月2日 17時40分

We have become so obsessed with what's going on somewhere else that we are not living in the moment with the people we are actually with in the flesh. Many of US are addicted-- I must admit. My friend sent this to me and I'm definitely going to start being more conscious of this bad habit in front of people as well as paying less attention to social media. SM is fun And can be a great promotional tool but should not be an obsession- especially around people we actually like, love or care about. Today I witnessed a guy crossing the street that was so consumed In his phone he almost got hit by a car. Well I'm sure he won't care about those "likes" sitting up in a hospital bed if that car woulda clipped his ass! With all that I say- pay attention and be present for your present company. #DontLetTheBeastControlYou ??


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