ティム・ケーヒルのインスタグラム(tim_cahill) - 2月1日 13時16分

As the hours go on it sinks in a little more. I have played with great players and for great teams and the same pattern always presents itself. Good people on and off the park and most importantly strong personalities that only care for the good of the team. It took us time to find our feet and gel as a team and staff but when it clicked theirs nothing more beautiful. We have a captain with a heart of gold that would always put his body on the line for the team, especially in this tournament and the experience of the premier league. We have Bresc always composed, disciplined and professional. Never said too much cause he lead with actions and when he talks we all listen. Finally the BOSS , thank you for finding another gear in all of us as individuals and as a team. I have learnt a lot about myself as a player this last 14 months and everything he taught was for the good of the game and to better all of us as players. Without vision, purpose, direction and intent then you don't really know what your doing it for. In this tournament we never let our guard down once and in return we are rewarded with this massive prize. To all the staff and team mates THANKYOU and I know that you will all read this and think BORE OFF CAHILL but this is my time to reflect and we couldn't of done it with out our group of 40+ boys throughout this Journey. #Champions #InAngeWeTrust #TimCahillAsianCup ???


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