オノ・ヨーコのインスタグラム(yokoono) - 1月30日 01時12分

I was watching the evening light. This is my city which kicked my heart and nearly killed me. This is why I don’t want to leave yet - just one more day.…I am so lucky to be able to call this planet mine. Yeah, life is fanatastic here! - always has been. I won’t leave until there’s no more gorgeous evening light over the snowfield like this! I probably fell in love with this city and that’s when I decided to be born on Earth… With pain, fear, and bloody stress I expect this is still the most lovely planet in the whole Universe. Let me see one more sunset... Well, that’s what you call poetic license. I'm not going anywhere till I use up all my shots. That’s a fact. Okay? yoko


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




