ジーニー・チェンマイのインスタグラム(thejeanniemai) - 1月29日 08時02分

A big Thank You to all our fans watching the show. I woke up to so many supportive messages and just appreciate the unconditional love. Ill be honest..when I pulled this q out of the bag, I was shocked to read how I came off. For those that know me, I do happen to be an unusual blend of positivity and energy. Which after this episode, I now learned can sometimes come off "on" or "fake". After the show, I sat and thought about what mai girls were telling me. I realized that when I was growing up thru hard days of childhood, I groomed maiself to just "push on", brush shoulders off, and focus on the positive. Today, if someone were to ask me how I'm doing, I would openly talk. But if nobody does, then I naturally talk about whats good or ask how others how they are doing. That's just me, and it's made me be the type of "Jeannie" some know me to be: Bubbly, positive, wants to have fun. I appreciate knowing from these ladies that being transparent about my not so great days and struggles help them and others get to know more of who I am. Anyway, thanks for just reading and embracing me for who I am. #TheReal


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