ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 1月27日 09時12分

RG @piercebrownofficial: It gets me down when I see people who were bright let themselves be dulled by others. I get it. When you're a kid, you're the purest spirit of you--undiluted, untrained, and untamed by life. Then you get knocked down. You get judged. You think you have to change to be loved. You start to realize that moving the world isn't as easy as picking up a lightsaber. Your dreams get smaller. Your compromises get easier and bigger and more frequent. And you forget what you were for some vague idea of what will be. Don't. Instead, remember how you danced with your shadow in woods, how a stick could be a laser cannon, how a shell contained the lungs of the ocean. Remember how you were, what dreams you had. And always, always chase clouds instead of carrots. #jumpsoffsoapbox #regramapp


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