ダニー・ソーシドのインスタグラム(dannysaucedo) - 1月21日 01時36分

I've come to realize a lot about myself these last few years and think I'm starting to become the one I aim to be. It's always an ongoing process. I will never reach the point where I'll say "I'm done" cos we are never done. It's a journey and a slow process, nonetheless we must identify where we are and what we strive for through our life's and what we wish to become. Take some glimpses back into your life and see where you where and acknowledged where you stand today so that you can evolve and keep on evolving. I don't know where we end up but it's far better than where we are right now. Im writing this very much for my own sake as a reminder to myself to not ever stop my strive. Everyone has their own set of goals and curve of development they wish to follow and accomplish. Don't ever compare yourself to others. It's a dead end that leads no where, but let yourself be inspired by folks you look up to and build your own way of living. Don't just take people's advises. Make your own opinion, and remember to follow your heart. Trust yourself more. And while you're at it, give a few compliments to people around you, it's fun it's free and it feels fucking amazing to let someone know that they are kind, sweet or just rock those jeans. #namaste #higherawakening


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