テリーサ・パーマーのインスタグラム(teresapalmer) - 1月20日 06時22分

HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY MUMMY! Like I wrote in your card, you are SUNSHINE and the definition of a selfless woman, always putting the needs of others before you. Thank you for teaching me the beauty in giving. You've dedicated your entire life to helping others, you've made tremendous sacrifices and have bravely faced adversity whilst still asking the question "how can I help ease your suffering?" You become friends with the lonely homeless man who just wants a lift to church or you give your last few dollars to the poor. Everyday I witness you being the change you wish to see in the world. You're a gift to this world. We can all learn from you. I'm so lucky that I got YOU as my Mum and the boys have you as their Nanna. Today we celebrate you. ❤️❤️❤️ @vikki1palmer @likemark


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