Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 1月15日 03時20分

I have been receiving so many supportive emails and messages that I can't thank you all enough for.? To everyone that reached out keep your head up and your dreams big! You are not alone! I am going to be a voice and someone that leads by example for any woman out there that feels lost and has no hope. For once in my life I am strong enough to be alone and focus on Jessica. I feel free and strong. I feel most women never get to experience this in life. We MUST as women learn truly to love ourselves to show the world who we really are. When we love ourselves is when we can truly love someone else. To be alone and date yourself is probably one of the hardest and scariest things but☝️only at first. I look forward to learning about myself and pursuing everything that's been on the back burner my whole life because I was trying to find happiness in all the wrong relationships. Most women look at me like my life is perfect and I am superwoman lol. But it's not the case at all. I am human and have my own demons to battle just like everyone of you. I've learned taking it DAY BY DAY it does get easier and easier. When they say one door closes another door opens..boy is that right!? I have some very exciting news coming in the next few weeks and I couldn't be any more excited about life! Remember the hardest struggles bring out the best opportunities!? #IndependentStrength


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