タンディ・ニュートンのインスタグラム(thandieandkay) - 1月7日 19時27分

" One day, without thinking, I took a brush to it (I know – a brush!) … And magically there it was – a wild mane of glorious fuzz. Big and fluffy like cotton flowers, soft and airy like a cloud. It was beautiful.

And, it was everything I’d understood to be wrong.

Every curly haired person shudders at the word ‘frizzy’.We’re the ones who run gasping from rain like the witches we are.

If you’ve got curls you want them articulated and defined – NOT brushed into a botch of follicle fuzz.

And yet here I was questioning, why? My halo of brown was ROCKING – it was huge, and amAZing!" Thandie's 'BIG BUSHY HAIR post is live. Read the post in full on thandiekay.com #frizz #frizzchallenge


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