陳冠希のインスタグラム(edisonchen) - 1月6日 17時57分

ANOTHER PRIME EXAMPLE OF HONG KONG's FINEST JOURNALISM ?? With No Proof , No Theory , No Homework Done They Decide to Print This Bullshit Article !!!!! ANOTHER REASON THAT GOES TO SHOW THAT HK MEDIA HAS NO RESPECT FOR ANYTHING, NOT EVEN THEIR OWN PROFESSION OF BEING A NEWS SOURCE THAT AT LEAST ATTEMPTS TO BACK UP WHAT THEY PRINT IN THEIR PUBLICATION ! @chungashley is one of my BEST FRIENDS girlfriend's and if these so called PROFESSIONAL reporters tried to do some back checking of their facts they PERPETRATE knowing, they would have found this out !!!! NOT TO MENTION LOOK AT THE RELEASE DATE OF THE PHOTOS ASHLEY modeled for @clottee which was MAY 2014 !!!!! these are facts and not RUMORS !!!!!! FUCK YALL APPLE its 2015 and its time for us PPL tell u what time it is !!!!! ITS OUR TIME AND WE NOT TAKING UR MIND CONTROL BULLSHIT NO MORE, WE FIND TRUTHS WITH OUT OWN MINDS AND BRAINS ....... holla if ya hear me and THANKS AGAIN FOR NOTHING MEDIA RAPISTS ...... And APPLE please stay off my BALLZ BISH .... APPLE DAILY DOESNT CARE ABOUT U, THEY JUST WANT TO LIE TO U AND FEED U NEGATIVITY !!!!! STOP SUPPORTING THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO DESTROY UR FREE MIND BY PRETENDING TO BE ON UR SIDE !!!!! #translatethisinyourpaperbitch


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