ガブリエル・モローニのインスタグラム(gabrimoroni) - 1月5日 16時21分

I came to Spain specifically to try this thing, I've been training hard to get into shape by this trip but sometimes the inconvenience is right behind the door... After two good days of work with very good feelings on the route I woke up sick. I had never experienced anything that bad, a mix of fever up to 40degrees,nausea,stomach ache, head ache and of course diarrea... A real Hell!Now, after a week, I feel like the virus is out of my body and I can start living again! So bad that all my friends already left but now is My time to enjoy the trip!! First stop is Extauri, trying to get back in shape then it will be back to Margalef for the real business!!... Photo Christof Burtea #attutta #diobastardgram #duravida #e9team #petzlteam @e9clothing @petzl_official


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



