ロゼリン・サンチェスのインスタグラム(roselyn_sanchez) - 1月1日 18時46分

RIP my beloved Jack. I still can't believe I'm starting this new year without you. Gracias por 13 years maravillosos. My heart aches and I want to scream for hours. Lo unico q me mantiene con algo de Paz es saber que viviste una vida plena y feliz. Mota, Uzo, Maraca, Eric & Sebella miss you and will miss you forever. I have not only hope but certainty that we will meet again in heaven. I want to remember you like this... Relax and smiling! Te AMO demasiado. Dios mio señor dame fortaleza... Thanks for all the prayers through his entire ordeal and his battle with cancer. It gave him almost a year and a half more of life when the vet kept telling me that the end was near. His strength, our prayers, his caring vet and my desire to keep him with his family bought him valuable time. Gracias por el carino y sus oraciones.


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