Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 1月1日 05時01分

Goodbye to the pain, and hello to the strength it gave me. Goodbye to the mistakes, and hello to the lessons they've taught me. Goodbye to the people that tried to bring me down. Hello to those who continue to stick around. ☺️ Thank you, Lord, for giving me everything I need in order to keep moving forward. Without Your guidance, I would have already been lost a long time ago. All glory and honor will forever be Yours. ☝️2014 was my most colorful year yet, and I thank God for it. As much as it was difficult, it also played a huge part in molding me as a person. Also, it was a year of blessings and good realizations. We always come out stronger, and it goes to show that we will never be forsaken and that things always happen for the best of reasons. Today we look past all of that, but we must still continue to treasure every bit of it.


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