アニ・ユドヨノのインスタグラム(aniyudhoyono) - 1月1日 01時29分

Di penghujung malam pergantian tahun ini, Pak SBY dan saya berduka cita sedalam-dalamnya seraya berdoa dengan tulus agar keluarga penumpang dan awak kabin pesawat QZ8501 diberi ketabahan & kekuatan. Kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kerja keras dari masyarakat, Basarnas, TNI/POLRI, Kemenhub dan lembaga-lembaga pemerintah lainnya yang turut membantu dalam proses pencarian ini. Marilah kita berdoa agar proses pencarian ini dimudahkan dan seluruh pihak yang bertugas senantiasa diberikan keselamatan. Janganlah berputus asa, Tuhan selalu tahu yang terbaik bagi umat-Nya.
Amin. --- At the end of 2014, Mr. SBY and I would like to express our deepest condolences and send our prayers to the families of the passengers and the crews of the QZ8501 aircraft, hoping that they will be strong and patient facing this situation.
We would also like to thank the people of Indonesia, National Search and Rescue Agency, Indonesian Armed Forces / Indonesian National Police, Ministry of Transportation and all government institutions that also contribute to this searching process. Let us pray, hoping that this search & rescue operations will be successful, and all parties who are involved will be blessed. Do not give up, God always knows what is best for His people.


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