のインスタグラム(happyyorkiefamily) - 12月31日 12時14分

Mommy ? We were tagged again by our dear friends Cola @brit_gal_forever and Max @maxmurray1 to share a most memorable pic of 2014! Since the one we shared last night was actually from 2013, we will share another one from 2014! (This is a repost!) This was captured not too long after we lost our precious Abby! I was so heartbroken and was in a zombie like mode... for days I did not even want to get out of the bed, the only reason I had to get out of the bed was for my boys! To fix them food and let them out in the back yard to get some fresh air... I still remember that day I happened to have my phone in my hand and captured this amazing smile on Oliver's face! I felt like Abby was telling me through her brother that she was fine and trying to show me how to smile again! This is a smile I will never forget! ??❤️???#bowsforabby #igfamilyrocks
Now we tag @lexiilulu @lola_and_mariel @crawford_yorkies @medicsquirt53 @yorkielvrof7 @tcapps92 @tpalatnik @pita_in @pebblesbeaches @4c57 to share the most memorable pic of 2014 if they want to!


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