リッキー・ジャーヴェイスのインスタグラム(rickygervais) - 12月29日 07時51分

Christmas is over. Back to work.

As you may have heard I wrapped up 'Derek' in the same way as 'The Office’ and 'Extras' after two series and a special. Even though the UK got it first with its airing on Channel 4, the good news for Netflix viewers around the world is that you will get a longer version, which in my opinion is even better. Not sure on the launch date yet but I should know very soon.

It’s been quite a year to be honest, with 'Derek' series 2 getting nominated for both an Emmy and a Golden Globe. The last British comedy to manage that was 'Extras'. I’m off to LA in January and I may invest in a corset to squeeze into my tux which I foolishly bought before Christmas instead of after.

I then start pre-production on my next movie 'Special Correspondents'. I’m writing and directing it, and also starring in it with Eric Bana.

I’m going to shoot in New York and Toronto and then edit in London. When that’s finished I’ll start on the Brent movie 'Life on The Road'. Then it’s Christmas again.


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