Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月18日 12時20分

Introducing baby Kal El, a 2 month old baby Jaguar that we rescued last week with a fractured leg and a calcium deficiency. He is going to be perfect, he's been through surgery and has a screw. His digestive system is slow now so he doesn't go to the bathroom a lot. We got a call if we could take care of him so we stepped in. He is gorgeous...
Les presento a Kal El, un Jaguarito de 2 meses con una pierna fracturada y con una deficiencia de calcio. Lo rescatamos la semana pasado y ha mejorado bastante, va a quedar perfecto. Le tenemos que agilizar su sistema digestivo y en unas 4 semanas estará como nuevo. Esta precioso y es muy noble...
#babykalel #savejaguars #saveourplanet #superman #behuman


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