Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月16日 23時15分

Do you know how much effort it has taken us to mess up this beautiful world of us? And as a consequence we are miserable, and yet we say we are the most intelligent species. Honestly, someone please explain to me how are we the leaders of the planet. We go to school, go to work and retire old, 95 per cent of the population is poor. A Lion or any other animal in the wild all day long they enjoy life, while it is normal for our kids to go to therapy. In which way are we smarter? We think too much and we don't use our heart, we think we use it to fall in Love instead of following it as our only guide. Picture by @davedeepwater
Saben que trabajo ha costado destruir este glorioso mundo? Y la consecuencia es que nos hemos vuelto miserables al hacerlo. Los animales salvajes disfrutan todo su día mientras nuestros hijos van a terapia. Y aun así nos creemos los mas inteligentes en el planeta. Jajajaja. Foto por @davedeepwater
#behuman @davedeepwater


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