ミッチェル・マネーのインスタグラム(michellemoney) - 12月16日 22時43分

I am making this pledge to stop texting while driving. I have somehow convinced myself that it's ok when I'm at a stoplight or in traffic. The truth is that it can start a conversation that I continue when I am driving again. It's not right. It's not safe. And it could cost me my life and the life of others. Make the pledge in the next 24 hours and tag your loved ones that you text the most. Make them do the same. Enough is enough. Take the pledge with your own selfie now by clicking the link in my bio! The design will pop on your photo if you hit the blue remix button from the link, it’s easy to make and share. $500 Visa card #giveaway to someone that posts their selfie with #RedThumb. #SaveLives #REDTHUMB ?❤️ @lovebylaura @doug_cartwright @cody_sattler @gr8kidsrus @theannmanning @carty64 @dkcartwright @rea_star @grahambunn @theyearofelan @chrisbharrison @clarecrawley @lacyfaddoul @lacedhair @tiffaneyeverson @britny30


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