The Berricsのインスタグラム(berrics) - 12月11日 00時17分

@ErikEllington on @GuyMariano: “In my eyes, Guy and Mark Gonzales have been the most influential street skaters of all time. The first time I saw Guy’s footage was in the Blind video. I remember him being about my age and I was just in awe of how advanced he was. I didn’t even know it was possible to do what he was doing, and the feeling I got from that part was something that is still with me to this day. I remember meeting him when I moved to Hollywood and he must have been in his early twenties. I think the Mouse video had just come out. For as long as I’ve watched him, he has consistently done tricks that have never been done. He seems gifted to be creative and invent. All of his parts have had a certain impact, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be his Blind part, and then his Lakai part. Just the whole comeback filming the Lakai part and everything it meant was so powerful. Like real inspirational type shit"

Watch Part 2 of #LifeOnVideo, a five-part tribute to Guy Mariano’s video parts on, and stay tuned for an all new Guy part dropping this Saturday, 12.13.14. Frontside nosegrind in 1990 at the age of 14. Photo: Spike Jonze @colinmkennedy @the_italian_one @theskateboardmag #MarianoWeek


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