クリスティーナ・ミリアンのインスタグラム(christinamilian) - 12月1日 10時38分

Sometimes in life.. Very few people get you. But that's what makes you different. Unique should be spelled YOUnique.. I'm most def one of a kind with one of a kind friends and family. I take pride in knowing I live a true, real and happy life. I love living my life everyday. I have amazing friends and family. I know nothing is possible without God's will.. And impossible? No such thing. Trust me, most of you don't know my story but I'm living proof to never give up or give in. I love hard. Work hard. And pray hard. And enjoy every second of it. So to anyone on my IG page here to throw shade.. Enjoy. Only one true judge and that's God. And we will all see that day. So that being said.. Maybe now is the time to think or do better.. It's never too late. Can't fight ignorance with more ignorance. #standforsomething #theyjustdontgetit #startafire #ttu #tnt #outsidersdontmatter #beyoucampaigne


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